Customer Quotes

See what people have to say about us
  •  Divya jain- Mahagun Group 2018

    Amazing technology. So easy to use, very useful in today's life. Wonderful service and people. We loved it.

  •  Singer Mikka singh 2017

    iblink is at my home. It's a different experience where you can control everything through a single touch.

  •  Vivek Prakash, Central Park 2017

    Extremely effective and & and useful system. Has imporved overall comfort and feel of my home. All A.Cs that are required are turned on in a scheduler and i find the house comfortable when i wake up. Very efficient and prompt service. Team is very willing and motivated . Good!!

  •  Manpreet Singh, MD - SK group 2016

    It’s a new experience for me but it’s exciting and the number of things these devices can do just keeps on increasing. I love the product and love the fact that it was quick and easy to install without any wiring hassles.

  •  Mukesh Chokhani, Director - Agrim Infra 2016

    Technology has open new doors to cater for our imaginations of smart home.

  •  Prabind, Managing Director - Europa Technosoft 2015

    Life is simpler as I don’t go around switching things on and off. I can switch off the lights, my PC power and can monitor my cabin when not in office.

  •  Rahul Hakeem, Associate Director - KPMG 2015

    "Smart Home" a responsible way to live carefree, "time to live beyond fear".

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